Tom Butler New Releases
R E F L E C T I O N S O F L O N D O N The dynamic new images from Tom Butler both feature one of his favourite cities which he finds himself returning to time and again. He has chosen to showcase some of London’s best-loved landmarks on the Thames, and the extraordinary way in which he has created both light and reflections through collage gives the river itself a central role. Tom’s approach certainly does push the boundaries. Each mixed media piece develops organically by its very nature as it depends on the collage components he has to hand. His style and process are unique, allowing him to create highly individual and utterly absorbing works of art. His mixed media and collage additions mix transparent and solid substances, smooth in areas and textured in others, and what better subject to employ these techniques than within a cityscape, which, in itself, is a layered tapestry of shapes, textures and colours.
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