Fine Art Magazine October Edition

A R T I S T F E A T U R E K E I T H A T H A Y L O N D O N T R A N S P O R T He felt that industrial revolution London was often portrayed as a place of gloom and smog, and he set himself the challenge of showing a different side to the city, as it might have appeared on brighter, sunnier days. He also explored the idea of different types of transport that ran through the city, and has included steam engines and classic route master red buses. During a trip to London in January, innovative collage artist Keith Athay embarked on an exciting new project. He sketched, photographed, acquired maps and researched local history and geography to build a portfolio of material to work from. Next, inspired by London my Beautiful, a poem by 20th century British poet F. S. Flint, he set about creating artwork to show the city of the past in a new way. The West Country, Varnished Original Painting on Box Canvas, 47” x 16” 24 KEITH ATHAY ARTIST FEATURE