Fine Art Magazine December 2018
33 TOM BUTLER NEW RELEASE N E W R E L E A S E S C E N E S O F T H E S E A S O N T o m ’ s n e w c o l l e c t a b l e e d i t i o n h a s b e e n p u b l i s h e d a t t h e p e r f e c t t i m e o f y e a r . . . His captivating image takes one of London’s iconic landmarks, the Natural History Museum, and presents it as part of a magical winter wonderland. “For me this piece is all about the cold, crisp and bright sunny days we get in this country during winter. The Natural History Museum with its Gothic Revival and Romanesque architecture and tree lined grounds, is the perfect setting to showcase this.” The detail and charm of this piece gives it enormous appeal and guarantees Tom a continued place amongst our best-loved artists. It is crammed with ideas, incidents, energy and life, and offers a completely new take on something we thought we knew. And as Tom himself points out, his work wouldn’t be the same without a few hidden extras. Can you spot the time travelling escapees from the museum…? T O M B U T L E R
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